Hibernate mapping types and Entity vs Value Types - Walking Techie

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hibernate mapping types and Entity vs Value Types

In Hibernate, mapping types categorized into two groups. In this article we will see overview of Hibernate mapping types and the difference between them.

Hibernate mapping types

Hibernate categorized into two groups with respect to persistence.

  1. Entity Type
  2. Value Type

Entity Type

An object of Entity type has its own database identity means primary key in table.

An entity has its own lifecycle. It may exist independently of any other entity.

A reference of entity object is persisted as a reference in database (foreign key).

Value Type

An object of Value type has no database identity and it belongs to entity.

The lifecycle of Value type object is bounds to its owning entity object's lifecycle.

Value type object is identified by its owning entity.

It is embedded into owning entity and it represented as table's column in database./p>

Value types further divided into three groups.

  1. Basic value types
  2. Composite types
  3. Collection types

Basic value types

  • Basic value types maps a single database value (column) to a single, non-aggregated Java type.
  • Hibernate provides a number of built-in basic types and all the Java wrapper classes.
  • String, Character, Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, BigInteger, BigDecimal, java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.util.Currency, java.util.UUID, java.lang.Class, java.sql.Blob .. etc are built-in basic value types.
  • You can find the all the built-in basic types from Hibernate documentation Basic value types.

Composite types

  • The Java Persistence API calls these embedded types, while Hibernate traditionally called them components.
  • Components represent aggregations of values into a single Java type.
  • In many ways, Composite types looks exactly like an entity. Composite types does not own its own lifecycle nor does it define an identifier.

Collection types

Hibernate allows to persist collections. Collections types further sub categorized into three types.

  1. Collection of basic value types.
  2. Collection of Composite or embeddable types.
  3. Collection of custom types.

Now we take one example to understand the Entity type, and Value Type. Below USERS table has user details, home address, and billing address.


Now we a represent the same table in the object model like below with the six-member variables homeStreet, homeCity, homePincode, billingStreet, billingCity, and billingPincode.

public class User {

  private Long id;
  private String name;
  private String homeStreet;
  private String homeCity;
  private String homePincode;
  private String billingStreet;
  private String billingCity;
  private String billingPincode;

Rather we would like to have a separate class User and Address. Address class only have address related details. The homeAddress and billingAddress member variable of class User to access user's address from it. This is better design from code reuse perspective.

public class User {

  private Long id;
  private String name;
  private Address homeAddress;
  private Address billingAddress;
public class Address {

  private String street;
  private String city;
  private String pincode;

The id attribute in User class identity the record uniquely in database's table. Here we don't have id attribute in Address class and didn't have any significance of identity of an address.

You can follow the article this article to create Hello World application with Hibernate. and Hello world application using JPA Annotations. You can also follow this article to find out the difference between @Entity and @Table annotation.

The objects that have their own database identity are Entity type object. So here User is an Entity type and Address is a Value type.

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